‘‘ Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds’’

——- Bob Marley

Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) or Complex Post-Traumamatic Stress Disorder(CPTSD) can be a result of child abuse, neglect, or chronic parental misattunement. Put simply, childhood trauma can have long-lasting and significant impacts on our physical and mental health in adulthood. Many people are surprised to learn that emotional abuse/neglect has the strongest correlation with symptom severity in adulthood.

A yearning to be free- those of us who grew up in homes where mental illness, addiction, or self-involvement prohibited our parents from providing for our emotional well-being properly, know this feeling deep in our bones. There is a longing for liberation from the negative beliefs about ourselves, relief from the feelings of being unloveable, and hope that there is a better way to live.

Reach out to start your journey toward emotional freedom…

‘‘ My job can best be described as helping people decide where to put their energy- moving away from where it is not paying off and into where it reaps dividends ’’

—Dr. Chacy Agnello

Founder of Free Bird Psychological Services