About Me

My passion for working with women who have experienced developmental/complex trauma began many years ago. I was the educator for a women’s shelter, a certified sexual assault crisis counselor, and worked with families who experienced trauma before I returned to school to pursue my doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

During my time in graduate school I focused primarily on Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD). Since graduating, I have continued my education and obtained multiple certifications for treating DTD

I currently exclusively work with women in need of trauma therapy. Since moving to Greenville in 2020 (I’m originally from the California central coast) I have been inundated by clients presenting with religious trauma and those who are deconstructing religion. In order to meet this need, I have developed a sub-specialty treating this population. My style of interaction is warm, direct, and encouraging. I am sex-positive, secular, and open to many different ways of living. I am happy to work with women in consensually non-monogamous relationships, women who identify as LGBTQ+ and women with non-traditional views.

My own experiences with developmental trauma, and how significantly therapy changed my life for the better, have been a driving force in doing this work - I consider it a calling and put my heart and soul into the work with clients. Therapy can be hard, painful work. Having a therapist who is experienced and knowledgeable, provides a safe space to explore emotions, and is a compassionate witness/traveling companion on your healing path, can make all the difference. (Having a sense of humor helps too!) Invest in your own recovery-it pays off!